Fund Raising

Please consider participating in any or all of the fund raising programs below.

Our chapter is a non-profit organization run completely by volunteers. The dues we collect from our members go directly to Ikebana International Headquarters, which leaves us to fund raising in order to offer interesting programs to our members and the community. There are several opportunities for our members and friends that will benefit our chapter. Thank you for your support!

Ikebana Iwaya Fund

The Ikebana Iwaya Fund (I.I.F.) is an IRS 501(c) (3) non-profit organization established in 2006 to provide support for ikebana activities. Donations to I.I.F. are tax-deductible and can be designated for Ikebana International chapters, ikebana schools, study groups, or independent ikebana organizations. Income generated by its permanent endowment fund is also disbursed to support the ikebana community. Any contribution to IIF is matched by the estate of Sumako Iwaya Solenberger into the IIF Endowment Fund to increase dividends. A donation form can be found at

Kroger Community Rewards - Free Program

All you need is a Kroger Plus Card, available at any Kroger service desk. Go to and follow the instructions to register. Our NonProfit Organization (NPO) number is UN992. If you normally use your phone number at check-out, call 1-877-576-7587 to get your Kroger Plus number. Our chapter earns donations based on your purchases. You earn gasoline discounts at Kroger and Shell gas stations. Remember to use your Kroger Plus card each time you shop.

Donate via PayPal Click on the Donate Button -->

This is a quick and easy way to donate any amount of your choice.

Your donation will help us to continue sharing our programs with the community.

Buy & Sell on eBay for Ikebana International Chapter 85

Ikebana International Chapter 85 is part of the eBay Giving Works External Link program. You can support our mission when you buy and sell on eBay. Here’s how:

Buy: When you do, shop for items that benefit us. You can get a great deal and support our organization at the same time! Shop now to support Ikebana International Chapter 85.

Sell: Just designate our organization to receive 10-100% of your final sale price the next time you list an item. Charity listings often get more bids and higher prices than regular eBay listings. Boost your sales and support our community efforts while you’re at it! Plus eBay gives back to you too, with a fee credit on your basic selling fees. Sell now to support Ikebana International Chapter 85.