
Ikebana Iwaya Fund (IIF)

The Ikebana Iwaya Fund (I.I.F.) is an IRS 501(c) (3) non-profit organization established in 2006 to provide support for ikebana activities.  The fund serves as a vehicle for donations to any donor-designated Ikebana International chapter or headquarters, ikebana schools, study groups, or independent ikebana organizations. Each dollar in your designated donation to the IIF gains two dollars for the IIF Permanent Endowment Fund from the estate of the IIF Founder, Sumako Iwaya Solenberger.

Tips for Longer Life of Ikebana Material 

A Publication of San Francisco Bay Area Chapter #31

Third Edition - Newly Revised and Enlarged

Valuable information for anyone who works with floral materials

● Japanese, Latin and common names of flowers

● Spiral binding for ease of use

● Space to record your own experience with various methods

● Convenient size to keep handy in your workbox of tools